SCC Women's Ministry
"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." James 1:22
Let us be stirred by God, used for His kingdom and prayerfully love one another; to be intentional doers of God's word.
Let us be stirred by God, used for His kingdom and prayerfully love one another; to be intentional doers of God's word.

Wednesday Morning Prayer Group
Ladies of all ages are welcome to meet in the Sanctuary for a time of prayer each Wednesday morning at 9:30am.
Games and Trivia: Saturday March 8th 9:30am
Bring your favorite game and meet us in the Lighthouse for refreshments and a time of fellowship and fun! Please register on our app once the event becomes available.
All ages welcome, bring your daughters, nieces, grand girls!
All ages welcome, bring your daughters, nieces, grand girls!
Book Club: Saturday April 12th 9:30am
All ladies are welcome to gather for discission of the book "Get out of your head" by Jennie Allen. Books are available for $12, see Kate Steedley or purchase at the link here! Refreshments will be be provided, please register in events!
VBS Crafting: June
Get ready for MAGNIFIED! Help our craft team prepare for a week of ministry with over 200 children! Meet in the Kids Hub (located next to the sanctuary building) at 9:30am, exact date to be determined. For more details, please contact Julia Cullison or Michelle Adams.
Summer Break: July-August
Women's ministry will be taking a break over summer as we serve our church through events like Radiant week and Vacation Bible school! Please stay tuned and check our app for "Pop Up" gatherings during this time.
Women's Meet and Greet: September 13th 9:30am
We want to welcome all women to our ministry and hear the vision for the next year! Gather with us as we plan and discuss future events, conferences and opportunities for serving. Refreshments provided in the Lighthouse.
For more information or details about any of our events, please contact Jessica Wilson!