What's Happening in Radiant Kids!
Radiant Kids Shirts available for a suggested donation at the Welcome Center.
MDWK IS BACK! Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm
February 12th Parents Night Out 6-8pm: Calling all families! We want to bless you with an evening without kids! Drop your kids off at the Lighthouse from 6-8 Wednesday evening and enjoy a date night on us. There is a suggested donation of $5 per child to help with food cost. Babies through 5th grade! Register on the app under events.
February 26th Radiant Kids BIG NIGHT 6:00-8:00pm: Be a friend and bring a friend! Ages K through 5th grade welcome for a night of Fun, this is different than our normal MDWK nights as we play games, buid relationships and have fun together.
MDWK IS BACK! Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm
February 12th Parents Night Out 6-8pm: Calling all families! We want to bless you with an evening without kids! Drop your kids off at the Lighthouse from 6-8 Wednesday evening and enjoy a date night on us. There is a suggested donation of $5 per child to help with food cost. Babies through 5th grade! Register on the app under events.
February 26th Radiant Kids BIG NIGHT 6:00-8:00pm: Be a friend and bring a friend! Ages K through 5th grade welcome for a night of Fun, this is different than our normal MDWK nights as we play games, buid relationships and have fun together.