VBS 2024: Breaker Rock Beach

Join us July 21st-25th from 6:00-8:30pm as we discover the truth of Gods word in a world of shifting sand. Enrollment is open for children ages 3-completed 5th grade. Please register your child with their CURRENT grade. If you have a student 6th-12th grade and wish for them to serve, please fill out our VBS Serve form!

Upon submitting this form, you will be redirected to an optional giving page towards VBS costs of t-shirts and snacks. A suggested donation of $5 per child can be made! If unable to donate at this time, please exit the following browser window and your submission is still received.

*We are currently at capacity for our 3-VPK classes! K-5th grade is still open*

Photo/Video Release Waiver

I authorize the use of photos and videos taken of the above minor to be used in publication, social media posts and display by the staff of Switzerland Community Church.

Medical Release Waiver

I authorize for the above child to be treated by a rescue unit in the event of medical emergency. It is understood that this allows advance authority to render care if needed. I hereby release and discharge Switzerland Community Church and all of its Staff and Volunteers for all claims of damage or injury to self or personal property in my child's participation of VBS 2024 Breaker Rock Beach. 

Upon submitting this form, you will be redirected to an optional giving page towards VBS costs of t-shirts and snacks. A suggested donation of $5 per child can be made! If unable to donate at this time, please exit the following browser window and your submission is still received.

God's Truth Never Changes - Romans 12:2 "Do not be conformed to the pattern of this word but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."